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Shalimar Fox


Shalimar is currently a member of Mutant X.


Shalimar was raised in the southwest by her biological parents. She was a teenage runaway, and has a criminal record of petty theft (with her then boyfriend, New Mutant Zach Lockhart). She was discovered by Adam in a rundown hotel, where she had been hiding. At the time Adam found Shalimar, she was starving and emotional unstable, considering herself a 'freak' because of her feral abilities. She was the first member of Mutant X, and as such appears to have the closest relationship with Adam.

Mutant Classification - Feral Feline

Strengths - Shalimar has a knack for sneaking around, and is able to use her Feral powers of seduction at will.

Weaknesses - Completely unpredictable, Shalimar has a tendancy to be overly reckless. As with all Ferals, Shalimar also has a fear of fire.

1. Preferred mode of Transportation -Motorcycle
2.Shalimar likes her meat medium-well
3.Age: Mid-20's
4.Relationships:Shalimar had a brief relationship with Dr. Richard Saunders.
5. There seems to be a relationship of unknown origin or background between Shalimar Fox and Adam.

The photo on this page is from the MUTANT-X Official Site and is copyright 2001, Tribune Entertainment Co.

Mutant X

Team Members
- Adam Kane
- Shalimar Fox
- Emma deLauro
- Brennan Mulwray
- Jesse Kilmartin
Double Helix